The Sanctuary
Christian Spirituality and Wellbeing Centre
This is based at Trinity Methodist Church in Mansfield Woodhouse.
Open every Friday 9.30am - 1pm.
The Sanctuary is a Christian Spirituality and Wellbeing Centre based in the church building.
The idea for The Sanctuary is to offer something to people who are aware of their own sense of spirituality but would not associate that within a traditional church setting. The centre will also be offering mindfulness sessions. Thousands of people have benefitted from mindfulness. Some people may be worried or anxious, while some may suffer from very low mood, and some may be going through stressful times. Mindfulness has been shown to help people who are looking for peace, stability, and security in an uncertain world.
What traditional church offers can often be seen from the outside as rather narrow. However, the church tradition can hide a treasure trove of spiritual practice that can speak to us in our modern context. Some of these practices go back hundreds of years.
There is much to draw on when we look at Christian spiritual mystics such as Julian of Norwich or the early church fathers who sought solace and a sense of the spiritual out in the deserts in those early Christian years. There are also many meditation practices that root themselves in the Christian tradition and the Christian story,
The centre offers workshops and courses on various Christian practices that may assist people today to find quiet and peace in their daily routine. Download the Programme of Events for The Sanctuary.
This is about an opportunity to offer people the tools of meditation and reflection from a Christian tradition that might give structure and meaning to our daily lives.