Social Media

A Video from the Methodist Church of Great Britain
In response to the recent violent protests on the streets.
"We have produced a short film that encourages everyone to #SeeTheLove Across the UK we have seen misinformation breed separation, unrest and destruction. But we know there is a better way."
"Use this film during worship as a chance to reflect and pray. Watch the film and download the video file at Why not share your own video, saying ‘See The Love’ with us using the hashtag #SeeTheLove."
See The Love from The Methodist Church on Vimeo.
Circuit Podcasts Services
Sunday Morning Zoom Worship
Across the circuit there are a variety of online Zoom worship. If you wish to attend or know more please contact the organiser.
Bilsthorpe Methodist Church Family Zoom worship, 10.30am. Contact: Turn on Javascript!
Circuit Midweek Worship Zoom, Wednesdays 10am-11.30am. Contact: Turn on Javascript!
There are many resources now being produced to assist people in their devotions during this difficult time in which we are beingtold to reduce our social contact. As Jesus' disciples in our communities maybe it is time to discover a new way to deepen our relationship with God; to find a new quiet space where we can hear anew from God and know that Jesus is besides us. If we discover afresh way to receive the source of life then we will be better equipped to meet the needs of those around us in whatever way we can.
Join us on YouTube
Visit our YouTube Channel and join in worship all our online services which are broadcast from Meden Vale and Worsop Methodist and Trinity, Mansfield Woodhouse Methodist Churches.
We also have Storytime on our YouTube channel, a time for families to relax and listen to a story read by our family worker Danni.
In My Own Words
Stories of faith recounted by those who have experienced God in their own lives.
Find us on Facebook
Keep in touch with all that is happening in the circuit via our Facebook page.