Chesterfield Road South
We are a church of ordinary people (a church that has been worshipping on this site since 1904) who have found that the faith in Jesus Christ is life-changing - giving us a purpose, direction and hope for the future. We welcome all who want to explore this journey of faith with us as we seek to love God and love our neighbour.
Our church is part of the Sherwood Forest Methodist Circuit – a group of churches that seeks to support each other in our learning and service. We are part of the UK Methodist Church known as the Connexion. We also seek to work with other churches of different denominations to serve our community.
Our building is also available for letting on a sessional basis to community organisations/groups that are in sympathy with our Christian values. Please use the letting enquiries contact.
10am - Our Sunday morning services are welcoming and are jointly led by our Worship Leaders and a mix of ministers and lay preachers. Families are welcome. About once a month, we share services of Holy Communion. Refreshments are served after the service. Families and children are welcome and there are activities for the children during part of the service.
6pm - Our evening service is at 6pm and again is led by a variety of preachers and sometimes between members of the church known as ‘local arrangement services’.
Occasionally, joint Circuit services are held at other churches. On those occasions, no service is held at Chesterfield Road South Methodist Church
We are currently working hard to look at the possibility of rebuilding our current church on land next to the current site.
The Art & Craft group meets fortnightly on a Monday from 2pm - 4pm in the Spring & Summer, and 10.30am - 12.30pm in the autumn (when we change the clocks) and winter. All invited to bring their own art/craft project and join us. For more information please contact Elaine Hunt on 01623 811125 or Margaret Matta on 07974 863833.
7.30pm Bible Study Group on Zoom – do contact us via the Enquiry Form if you would like further details and the Zoom Link
10.30 – 12.30pm – CAMEO Café. Come and meet each other over a cuppa and some cake. All welcome
2-3.30pm fortnightly Ladies Group – A mixed group with a variety of activities. Programmes available at Church
10.00-11.00am Prayer Fellowship – come and join us as we bring our prayers together
1pm – 2pm – Foodshare – a subscription-based food club for those who need to make ends meet a little more easily.
Do contact us via the enquiry form if you would like any further details of activities, events or need the support or prayers of the church. The church premises are also available for community groups.
Superintendent Minister: Rev Stuart Ellis (01623) 623192
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